What is a Podcast and Why Does it Matter?

What is a Podcast and Why Does it Matter?

Imagine listening to a radio show that automatically downloads to your smartphone every week, constantly providing new and relevant content around your favorite, but oddly specific, subjects. No more sitting through your local radio station’s morning show just because you like the music or, even worse, only listening on specific days, at specific times, because the host might say something interesting.

Now, you can find shows online that cater specifically to you and your unique interests. They’re tailored to the exact subject matter you care about and you can get them completely free, at any time of day.

That is a podcast.

Just-in-time media you choose, when you are ready. That is probably why 59% of Americans from ages 18-54 are now listening (source: markeingprofs.com).

The word “podcast” comes from the words “ipod” and “broadcast.”

Simply put, a podcast is an on-demand radio show that you can listen to or download, either online or through specific apps. Similar to a blog, podcasts can be created and distributed by anyone, but don’t make the mistake of thinking they’re unprofessional or unpolished; as of 2017, there are thousands of professionally produced podcasts that are indistinguishable in quality from any show you’d hear on the radio.

Podcasting has created a new type of radio, which has given way to a new marketplace of creators, consumers, studios, producers, and more. Time Magazine has called 2017 a “podcast renaissance” and popular podcasters are now able to make six-figure salaries from their podcasts alone.

This makes sense, given the nonstop American lifestyle. Blogs are great, but who has time to sit and read during the day? With podcasts, you can listen at the gym, on a run, in the car, on the bus, or even at your desk while working. Even better, you can subscribe to podcasts so they automatically download to your phone or computer whenever a new episode is released. Unlike blogs, you don’t need to check for new content every week; the content comes to you.

If you still have doubts about who’s listening, pay attention to the numbers:

According to a survey conducted by Edison Research and Triton Digital in 2016:

  • There are an estimated 35 million podcast listeners every week

  • Weekly podcast consumers listen to 5 podcasts per week

  • The number of weekly podcast listeners is growing, and the number has almost doubled since 2013.

As podcasts are earning their rightful title as a major player in online media, podcasters are competing for listeners like never before. Cutting through the throng of mediocre, basement-production level podcasts is now necessary for any podcaster that wants to become relevant. Studio Americana is an example of an affordable, podcast-specific production studio that takes potential podcasters from the “idea” phase to a fully produced, high-quality show.

For those that are ready to access the huge benefits of a podcast audience, Studio Americana is a one-stop-shop for a professional team with years of experience in radio that will help you create a show you love and can’t wait to share with listeners. Give us a call at 612-272-7970 to find your voice online today.

For those that are ready to access the huge benefits of a podcast audience, Studio Americana is a one-stop-shop for a professional team with years of experience in radio that will help you create a show you love and can’t wait to share with listeners. Give us a call at 612-272-7970 to find your voice online today.

PodcastJenna Redfield